How do I report a missed collection?

If we have missed your garden waste bin please report any missed collections within two working days so that we can rectify the error.  Please check the following:

  • It is the correct garden waste collection day/fortnight
  • The bin was at the edge of your property (or if you are registered for an assisted collection your agreed collection point) by 6:45 am (05:30am from 3rd March)
  • We have not left a non-collection sticker or tag on the bin letting you know why we have not emptied it when we visited your street, this could be because it was too heavy to empty safely or has the incorrect types of waste in it
  • Your garden waste permit sticker is clearly visible and is for the correct address
  • If you have subscribed within 48 hours prior to the next scheduled collection for your street, we are unable to guarantee collection and you will need to wait till your next collection day