Medical Guidance

From 9 January 2023, as well as Sandwell Hospital conducting medicals, applicants will be able to have the medical carried out by their own doctor or any GMC registered medical practitioner, if they offer this service. Further guidance can be found on the medical guidance form which you will need to take with you to your appointment together with the medical form.

For all appointments, if you wear glasses or contact lenses you MUST also take your last prescription with you so the medical examiner knows the strength of the lenses. If you do not take the prescription with you, you cannot be declared fit to drive.

For bookings with Sandwell Hospital please contact the Occupational Health and Wellbeing Service on 0121 507 3306 to make an appointment. If you fail to attend and have not cancelled your appointment giving 48 hours notice, you will still be charged for the appointment. Other providers may also make a charge if you do not attend your appointment.

Their address is:

Occupational Health Department
Sandwell Hospital
Courtyard Gardens
West Bromwich
B71 5HJ

All bookings for medical examinations are the responsibility of the applicant or licensed driver.  The Taxi Licensing Office cannot provide advice, guidance or recommendations in respect of the providers of such medical examinations.