The Planning Policy Team is responsible for producing a new Local Plan for Sandwell that will guide development in the borough up until 2041. We also monitor land use change in the borough, produce evidence to support future planning policies, and write planning guidance to help the determination of planning applicaitons.

Development Plan Documents

The Development Plan for Sandwell is made up of these documents:

There are no made Neighbourhood Development Plans in the borough and none are now being prepared. Please contact the Planning Policy Team if you are interested in preparing a Neighbourhood Development Plan.

The new Sandwell Local Plan

Sandwell Council is preparing a new Local Plan which will set out how the borough will grow and regenerate by the year 2041. The Sandwell Local Plan will replace the Development Plan Documents after its adoption.

The Council is updating its evidence base to support the production of the new Local Plan.

The Regulation 18 consultation on the Draft Sandwell Local Plan closed on Monday 18 December 2023.

To find out more visit the Sandwell Local Plan webpages.

Register for email updates on the preparation of the Sandwell Local Plan

Sandwell Local Development Scheme

The Sandwell Local Development Scheme (LDS) was approved by Cabinet on 17 January 2024. The Local Development Scheme is the Council's programme for the production of new Development Plan Documents such as the Sandwell Local Plan.

Statement of Community Involvement

The most recent Statement of Community Involvement was published in July 2022. It explains how the Council will engage with residents, businesses and interested people in relation to planning matters.

Contact Details

You can contact us by email, telephone or post. Officers are working from the office and from home so the fastest way to receive a response may be by email.

Email: or

Telephone: 0121 569 4054

Post: Planning Policy, Sandwell MBC, Council House, Freeth Street, Oldbury, B69 3DE