Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education

The 2018-2023 syllabus reflects the central concern of the SACRE and Agreed Syllabus conference; to provide practical, professional guidance and support to teachers in high standards for learning in RE for all Sandwell pupils.

Agreed Syllabus Requirements for RE in Sandwell Schools from 2018
(Please refer to the detailed sections of the syllabus for complete guidance and requirements.)

  • All pupils on the school roll are entitled to receive Religious Education. This includes pupils in the reception year of the Early Years Foundation Stage and 16 19 year old students in school Sixth Forms.
  • This syllabus is the legal basis for RE in Sandwell schools where it applies. Inspection will be based upon the implementation of this syllabus.
  • The minimum requirements for religions to be studies are specified. There is flexibility for schools to teach more than the minimum. The minimum requirements are:
Foundation Stage Beginning to learn about the religions among the children in the class.
Key Stage 1 Beginning to learn about Christianity + Sikhi + Islam.
Key Stage 2 Learning more about Christianity + Sikhi + Islam.
Beginning to learn about Hinduism + Judaism.
Key Stage 3 Learning in depth about Christianity + Sikhi + Islam.
Learning more about Hinduism + Judaism.
Beginning to learn about Buddhism .
RE for all 14-19
Key Stage 4 Learning at the standards required for national qualifications about Christianity and, normally, one other religion, e.g. GCSE Religious Studies. Schools must provide RE for all students in each Years 10 and 11.
16-19 RE for all Students may learn from a range of religions selected by the school.

In order to support the Agreed syllabus, additional units of work have been developed in conjunction with RE Today.