Local Lettings Plan - Thorn Close

Area/block to be included within the Local Lettings Plan (LLP) Thorn Close, Wednesbury, WS10 9LS
% LA Tenure 100%
Clear definition of issue There have been some issues relating to anti-social behaviour and general tenancy management. This plan will allow the Council to create new tenancies which will not adversely affect the sustainability of communities and continue to make the best use of housing stock.

There were 20 instances of Anti-Social Behaviour (ASB) that were reported between 1 April 2021 and 31 March 2022. The types of issues included criminal activity, noise nuisance and vandalism.
How is the issue/problem to be evidenced? There are 28 properties in the block. This is a disproportionate level of ASB for the number of properties.

Between April 2021 and September 2022, West Midlands Police recorded 114 instances of crime related ASB at Thorn Close

Partners including the Police, Housing, Anti-Social behaviour team and elected members have all raised issues at ward level neighbourhood partnership meetings. In most instances a partnership approach has been required to resolve the issues raised, as they usually have a detrimental impact on the local community and/or environment.
An explanation as to how the existing allocations policy is failing (or will fail) to address the above issue/problem or is contributing to it An LLP will allow us the opportunity to set additional criteria to these properties prior to them being marketed. For example, prospective tenants will understand that the lettings for
Thorn Close will be subject to them meeting the conditions of this LLP.
What is the intended outcome of the LLP? It is anticipated that this LLP will deliver a significant reduction of ASB. The proposed refurbishment and LLP will contribute towards more sustained tenancies and offer residents the opportunity to enjoy their homes, local environment and feel part of a community.
What effect will the introduction of the LLP have on neighbouring communities? This will enable officers to manage risk and implement sensitive lets that take account of ASB levels in the block and the sustainability of the whole Thorn Close community.

There will be a reduction in the number of complaints from neighbouring residents.

Partners such as West Midlands Police will see a reduction in requests for services.
Launch date 1st February 2023
The length of time for which the LLP will operate The plan will be in place for 3 years from the date of implementation, however, there will be an option to extend by a maximum of 2 additional years.
Associated targets Reduction of ASB reports.

Decrease in turnover of tenancies.
Define as to how the LLP will differ from the mainstream allocations policy Applicants for Thorn Close will undergo pre-tenancy interviews to ensure that we are making the best use of the stock, for instance we will not consider any applicants who may start the tenancy by overcrowding the property.

We will not welcome bids from applications that include a perpetrator of ASB (in the last 3 years of application).

Preference will be given to households with Children aged at least 4 years and above for the maisonettes located on the upper floors, due to stairs only access.
Method(s) of Community Consultation We have consulted with the current tenants at the scheme as well as the 3 elected Ward members.
Monitoring process The plan will be reviewed after 12 months.

Officers will monitor the impact that the LLP has on reports of ASB perpetrated by occupants of Thorn Close and will track the impact that is made on the sustainability of tenancies.
Responsible Officer Lennox Thompson