Elderly and Those with Care and Support Needs
Older People and Domestic Abuse
Victims aged 61+ are much more likely to experience abuse from an adult family member or current intimate partner than those 60 and under. On average, older victims experience abuse for twice as long before seeking help as those aged under 61 and nearly half have a disability. Older victims are less likely to attempt to leave their perpetrator in the year before accessing help and more likely to be living with the perpetrator after getting support.
Defining Domestic Abuse
Every adult should be able to live safely, free from abuse and neglect. Most adults are able to do this, but research indicates that almost half a million people aged over 65 will experience some form of abuse or neglect.
Domestic abuse is named as a type of abuse under the Care Act. The act also specifies that freedom from abuse and neglect is a key aspect of a person’s wellbeing.
The UK definition of domestic abuse is ‘any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour violence or abuse’.
Types of Abuse
Physical - Hitting, kicking, biting, burning, scratching, pushing, hair pulling, drowning, strangling, imprisoning, subjecting to reckless driving, refusing to help when sick or injured, rough handling during care, neglect. Bruises and other unexplained injuries, sudden weight loss, repeated unplanned trips to hospital and/or use of emergency services.
Sexual - Rape, sexual assault, forcing someone to partake in sexual acts, pressuring/ coercing, groping, sexual harassment, forcing use of pornography, sexual exploitation, forced sex work. Developing STIs, difficulties walking or sitting, vaginal or anal bleeding, pelvic injuries, torn or stained clothing, irritation or pain of the genitals.
Financial - Withholding money, controlling spending, taking over bills, abuse of Power of Attorney, fraud, exploitation, pressure re: wills, property or inheritance or misappropriation of property/benefits. Lack of clear knowledge or information about how much money is available, not having or not knowing whereabouts of cash or bank card, debts, regularly running out of food or having utilities cut off.
Emotional or psychological - Coercive control, verbally abusing, putting someone down, blaming, humiliating, isolating, withholding affection, gaslighting, denying access of phone/mail, using silence.
Coercive control in older people
When an abuser engages in controlling behaviour they are performing ‘a range of acts designed to make a person feel subordinate or dependent.’
This can be done by:
- Isolating them from sources of support
- Exploiting them for personal gain
- Depriving them of the means needed for independence, resistance and escape
- Regulating their everyday behaviour
Why are older people at high risk of coercive control?
As people grow older their personal circumstances often mean that they become more dependent on a single person or their immediate family to meet changing care and support needs. This can result in a situation in which an abuser becomes the main influence in their life. An abuser may be in a stronger position to restrict relationships that would give a survivor valuable interaction (supportive family members, friends, the wider community).
Myths and misconceptions around older people Domestic abuse
‘Domestic and sexual abuse happens less among older people’
‘Older, frail people with care needs can’t be perpetrators’
‘When someone has dementia, you can’t trust what they say about abuse’
‘Bruises happen all the time because of age-related conditions, there’s no need to ask more questions’
Recognising that something isn’t right in the relationship with a relative or partner, and it maybe domestic abuse is an important step. The best way to get specialist support and advice. Domestic abuse is never acceptable. You don’t have to put up with it, and there is help available for you to live free from abuse and fear.
Help and Support
In an emergency you should always dial 999. If you are worried that an abuser may overhear your call you can remain silent, tap the phone and dial 55 when prompted by the operator who will send help. If you are deaf, hard of hearing or speech-impaired you can register with emergencySMS.net. Once registered you will be able to send a text to 999 if you require help in an emergency.
If you are experiencing domestic abuse, or worried about someone you know, or are concerned about the impact of your behaviour towards others, then help is available: Black Country Women's Aid can provide support by the disability specialist Independent Domestic Violence Advisor (IDVA) who work across Sandwell and Walsall to help disabled victims of abuse get support which focuses on their specific needs. You can contact them 24 hours a day on 0121 552 6448 or via webchat on https://blackcountrywomensaid.co.uk and WhatsApp on 07384 466181.
Alternatively, there is a service for men and boys who have experienced domestic abuse, rape and sexual abuse. Contact Ask Marc by phone (0121 289 6402), email (info@askmarc.org.uk) or visit askmarc.org.uk for more information.
Birmingham LGBT Centre can provide a range of support services for LGBT victims – visit: https://blgbt.org/
You can also contact Sandwell Council’s Housing Solutions Team on 0121 368 1166, Option 2 for Housing Solutions or email: housing_choice@sandwell.gov.uk for information on local and national services.
More information on Domestic Abuse
See Something, Do Something! If you’re worried an older person or adult with care needs is being abused or neglected, please call 0121 569 2266 (0121 569 2355 out of hours). Always call 999 in an emergency.