For commercial premises, we can take action if conditions on a premises licence are breached and/or planning conditions are contravened, which may include:

  • Music from bars, restaurants, clubs
  • Noisy equipment in commercial or industrial premises, for example air conditioning units 
  • Construction and demolition sites.
  • Alarms from commercial premises.

If you have an issue with noise from a commercial or industrial premise, you can:
Report noise from a business online. Access complaint link via Noise from Businesses, Pubs and Factories

Domestic Noise

We investigate a wide range of noise complaints including:

  • loud music
  • burglar alarms that go off regularly
  • noisy dogs

If you have an issue with a noisy neighbour, please download this information leaflet which will tell you how we deal with these issues. Where you have a noise problem, the best approach is for you to speak to your neighbour first to try and resolve the matter. The leaflet gives advice on how to do this.

If approaching your neighbour has not worked you can:

Report noise nuisance online

You will need to keep a record of what the noise is, the times when it happens, how long each incident lasts and how it causes you inconvenience.

The information leaflet gives advice on how to keep a record.