Our home support services work with adults, including older people and older people with mental health needs, for short periods of time following hospital discharge and to avoid hospital admission. Our aim is to make sure you are safe and to support you to be as independent as you can in your own home.

A health or social care professional will refer you to these services. If you, a friend or relative would benefit from this service, contact our adult social care services. You can also speak to your doctor, district nurse or ward staff if you are in hospital.

How we help you will depend on your situation and what support you need. Everyone's needs will be different.

STAR service

Our STAR (Short-Term Assessment and Reablement) service is a support service that is provided in your own home. Our aim is to improve your daily living skills so you can live independently again.

The STAR service provides assessment, care and support for adults living in Sandwell. It operates from 7am until 11pm, 7 days a week.

STAR will:

  • support individuals to come home from hospital quickly
  • support individuals to avoid hospital admission
  • support individuals and their carers in crisis situations
  • support people to regain and maintain their independence

STAR provides assistance with care and support tasks in your own home. This may include help with personal care, preparing meals, or support with medication and daily living activities that maximise your independence.

The STAR staff team work with individuals for up to six weeks to identify personal needs and goals, which can then be reduced as people progress and gain confidence through their agreed STAR support plans.

The help we will offer you will depend on your situation and your individual needs. Everyone will be different.

We can provide the service for a maximum of six weeks until you are able to manage once again, or until other other appropriate services have been identified.

If you need further support after the end of the STAR service we will always discuss future options with you, such as personal budgets.

Temporary move to extra care housing

It may not be possible for you to live at home for a short time. We can arrange for you to move to a flat in an extra care housing scheme until you are able to manage better at home. This would be for a maximum of six weeks, after which we would look at what support you still need.