What happens if I don't Licence my HMO?

Landlords who have failed to apply for a Licence will be at risk of: 

  • Prosecution – which may result in an unlimited fine or a civil penalty up to £30,000.
  • Re-paying Rent to the tenant through possible rent payment orders for non-compliance. 
  • Being denied possession of a property under Section 21 the Housing Act 1998 due to non-compliance. 

We would encourage landlords who need their houses Licensed but have so far not applied, to do so as soon as possible. If we discover a property that is unlicensed but should be, there will be a penalty and the likelihood of prosecution, especially for landlords who do not declare their full portfolio of Licensable properties. 

If you are a private Landlord and are housing 5 or more people in 2 or more households then you need to apply for a HMO. 

If you are suspecting someone else in your neighbourhood to have an unlicensed HMO or just have some questions or concerns, then please contact us: landlord_licensing@sandwell.gov.uk