Book a pest control treatment for other insects

There is a charge for this service

The council offers treatments for some insects found indoors (the property must be occupied, not empty).

If you would prefer, you can approach an independent pest control company.

Insects we treat (indoor treatments only)

  • Carpet beetles
  • Moths

Please read how to prevent or treat these issues yourself before booking a pest control appointment.

Carpet beetles

The carpet beetle is textile pest. Carpet beetle larvae are fairly distinctive and are known as 'woolly bears'. They are quite hairy and tan in colour.

Carpet beetle larvae damage and ruin carpets, animal furs and leathers. Carpet beetles do not carry germs or spread disease.

If you think you have carpet beetles, check your roof space for old birds' nests and wool based lagging or other materials, examine the cracks between floorboards around the edges of rooms and under skirting boards for accumulations of debris and check sheepskin rugs and all animal fur/skin clothing.

Infested nests and inexpensive materials should be removed and burned and the areas they have been removed from should be thoroughly vacuumed using a nozzle head and paying particular attention to cracks and crevices.

You can also use a "crawling insect insecticide" to make sure all of the larvae have been killed. Follow the instructions on the label.


Moth larvae damage clothes and textiles. If you suspect you have an infestation of moths you should:

  • Examine wardrobes and cupboards for larvae cases, moths and damage to materials and clothes
  • In heavier infestations moths could fly out of opened wardrobes or cupboards
  • Webbing might be spotted which resemble spiders webs, this often contain pupal cases
  • At the bottom of the wardrobe or nearby on the ground, you might find small piles / collections of dust or frass (caused by their damage)
  • Also check under chairs, beds and fabric covered furniture
  • Carpets could also be damaged

To treat a moth infestation:

  • Vacuum all the affected areas thoroughly.
  • Remove and dispose of any damaged clothing or fabric and inspect any salvageable clothing or fabric and remove any larvae before washing or dry cleaning.
  • Using an insecticidal spray (available from most DIY shops and garden centres), spray wardrobes, drawers, around carpet edges, skirting boards and cracks.

Still need a pest control treatment for carpet beetles or moths?

If you've tried the advice above and it hasn't helped, you can book a pest control treatment. 

Book a pest control treatment for an insect problem