An Interim Planning Statement and Masterplan has been prepared for the Black Patch area in Smethwick. The vision for this area is to re-establish itself as a residential community surrounding an improved central park with the necessary infrastructure in place to support the residents. The development of new houses will introduce a new community and vibrancy to the area, increased activity may improve community cohesiveness, and more natural surveillance will increase safety and security. There will be an overall improvement in the environmental quality of the area.

However, the current adopted plan allocates sites within the Black Patch area for employment uses, open space or in the case of the allotments, the land is unallocated. Any proposals for housing would not conform to the statutory plan – the Site Allocations and Delivery DPD (SAD DPD) and therefore are likely to be refused. The SAD DPD has only recently commenced its review and it may be some time before it is adopted.

Therefore the aim is to put into place an Interim Planning Statement that will be treated as a material consideration for any future proposals put forward for this area, and enable development to be progressed within the context for the future vision for Black Patch.

The Interim Planning Statement was approved at Cabinet in November 2018.

A copy of the Interim Planning Statement and Masterplan can be viewed here.

For further information please contact