MARAC is a multi-agency risk assessment conference for high risk victims of domestic abuse (those at risk of homicide or serious harm).

MARAC is a meeting where professionals share information on high risk cases of domestic abuse. Information about the risks faced by those victims, the actions needed to ensure safety, and the resources available locally are discussed and used to create a risk management plan involving all agencies. The MARAC is part of a coordinated community response to domestic abuse, incorporating representatives from statutory, community and voluntary agencies working with victims, children and perpetrators.

It aims to support the victim and their children whilst also determining the level of risk posed by the perpetrator, both to the individuals involved and the wider community. At the heart of a MARAC is the working assumption that no single agency or individual can see the complete picture of the life of a victim, but all may have insights that are crucial to their safety.

The victim does not attend the meeting but is usually represented by an Independent Domestic Violence Advisor who will speak to them before the meeting and be their ‘voice’, contributing on their behalf.

MARAC Referral

If victims are at high risk of harm, a referral to a Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) will be needed. Anyone aged 16 or over can be referred to MARAC. The government definition of domestic abuse acknowledges that young people can be both victims and perpetrators. A MARAC perpetrator can be a partner from an intimate relationship, a sibling, parent, adult child, grandparent, in-law or step family member.

In cases of honour-based crime, a perpetrator may also be an aunt, uncle, cousin or wider family member. For all general queries around MARAC referrals and MARAC meetings email or call 101 ext 811 3048