Contact the Mayor

If you or your organisation would like to invite the Mayor to a function, please contact the Mayor's Office (in writing), giving the following information:

Contact name
Organisation (if applicable)
Email address
Date of event
Brief description (further details will be requested once attendance has been confirmed).

Contact details:


Postal address:

The Mayor’s Parlour
The Big House
44 Church Street
B69 3DE

Should you have any questions, please call 07388 386459

The Mayor’s availability will be checked and you will be advised. If the Mayor is unable to attend, it is possible the Deputy Mayor may attend their place.

A briefing form will then be forwarded to request further information.

There is no charge for Mayoral attendance at an event, however, should you wish to make a donation to the Mayor’s Charity Fund, details will be forwarded with the briefing form once attendance has been confirmed.