Sandwell’s garden waste service will start from next week (18 March) – and there’s still time to sign up for this year’s collections.
Residents can sign up to the garden waste collection service by completing the online subscription.
The service costs £35 per year which is the same as last year and covers up to 20 collections of garden waste, ending in December.
Collections will begin over a two-week period, with week one commencing on 18 March and week 2 on 25 March. Residents can find more information about when their bins will be collected.
Subscribers will receive a maximum of 20 collections depending on when they subscribe. If a resident subscribes part way through the year, the permit will only cover the number of collections remaining until December.
Households that signed up for the collections in 2023 will have to renew their subscription to receive garden waste collections in 2024. 2023 permit stickers will have to be replaced with the new 2024 permit sticker.
Those who have subscribed to the service will receive a permit sticker to attach to their garden waste bin. Residents who take out more than one subscription will need to attach a permit to each bin.
It can take up to 5 days for a subscription to activate on the system, so if you sign up less than five days before the next collection, residents will not get their first collection until the next scheduled collection date.
Sandwell Council’s Cabinet Member for Environment and Highways, Councillor Danny Millard, said:
“We recognise the pressures on people’s household finances and so prices have remained the same as they were last year.
“Sandwell is in line with the majority of councils across England which already charge for their garden waste collection service.”
Sign up for the service or to learn more about garden waste collections