The Income and Money Advice Service will be running Universal Credit roadshows between November 2023 and April 2024 as the Council steps up its preparation to support residents with the move to Universal Credit.

Universal Credit managed migration will affect both Council and private tenants who are currently receiving what is classed as a legacy benefit. The legacy benefits are:

  • Job Seekers Allowance (JSA)
  • Employment Support Allowance (ESA)
  • Child Tax Credits (CTC)
  • Working Tax Credits (WTC)
  • Income Support
  • Housing Benefit

If you are of working age and claim any of these benefits, you will receive a letter called a ‘Universal Credit Migration Notice’ from the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) advising you to claim Universal Credit.

Managed Migration to Universal Credit will begin in Sandwell from Monday 19 February 2024. 
The DWP have confirmed the below timeline which will outline when legacy benefit claimants will be affected:

Timeline for Managed Migration

Legacy Benefit
From 19 February 2024

Working Tax Credit cases

Child Tax Credit cases

During 2024/2025

Income Support

Income based JSA

Housing Benefit

Income related ESA claimants who also claim working or child tax credits

During 2028/2029

All other Income-related ESA cases

You won’t be moved automatically, so it’s important to act quickly, otherwise your benefits will stop.  The Council wants to help you prepare for moving to Universal Credit and our Income and Money Advice Service will be holding roadshows in libraries across the six towns to provide you with the support you need to migrate to Universal Credit.

Attending the roadshows will be an Early Intervention and Tenant Support Officer alongside an officer from the Council’s Welfare Rights Team.  The officers will look to support you in the following areas to prepare you for your Universal Credit claim:

  • Understanding Universal Credit, the claims process and what you need to do now
  • How to create an email account
  • How to access a bank account
  • Budgeting and debt support
  • Cost of living support
  • Maximising your income
  • Paying your housing costs (rent)
  • How you can build a safety net and put your rent account in credit

The roadshows will take place in libraries across the six towns of Sandwell between 10am and 12noon on the following dates: 

Our dates for West Bromwich, Rowley, Smethwick and Oldbury have now concluded. Our remaining sessions are as follows:

Wednesday 20th March Tipton Library - Unity Walk, Owen Street, Tipton, West Midlands, DY4 8QL
Saturday 23rd March Great Bridge library - Sheepwash Lane, Tipton, West Midlands, DY4 7JF
Wednesday 3rd April Wednesbury Library  - Walsall Street, Wednesbury, West Midlands, WS10 9EH
Saturday 6th April Stone Cross Library  - Beverley Road, West Bromwich, West Midlands, B71 2LH