Moving into a Nursing/Residential Home FAQs

How can I notify you? Log onto MySandwell and complete the termination of tenancy form.

When can I notify you? You should only notify us to terminate your tenancy if you have been accepted as a permanent resident at the home and have been formally notified of this.

Will I need to provide proof? Yes, we will require a headed letter or email directly from the relevant Nursing/Residential home to confirm you are a permanent resident.

Who can notify you? Only the tenant or a representative with evidence they have power of attorney can terminate the tenancy

What happens if the tenant lacks capacity? If the tenant lacks capacity and no one has been granted power of attorney, we will request that our legal team serves a Notice To Quit which will legally end the tenancy. A copy of the NTQ will be served on the property and directly to the tenant at the nursing home, which will provide a date of when the tenancy will legally end.

Is a notice period required? A notice period is not required if the tenant has capacity or a representative can evidence they have Power of Attorney.

Who is responsible for clearing the property? The tenant and/or their representatives should ensure the property is empty before the keys are returned. If this isn't possible or there are items left in the property we will complete an inventory and arrange for storage or disposal.