Service Provider Name
Omega Staying Connected in Later Life
0845 259 3163 or 01743 245088
Who is the service for?
Carers aged 18 + who would benefit from telephone befriendingChatterbox Telephone Support Service provided flexibly to isolated carers in own home, offering chat, information and advice on services for carers. .
Summary of services
Chatterbox Telephone Support Service provided flexibly to isolated carers in own home, offering chat, information and advice on services for carers. Chatterbox is a free, friendly, and confidential service; offering a trained Omega volunteer who will keep in touch with the carer regularly. Carers, former carers, bereaved carers and other people who live alone can also find it difficult to keep in touch with friends and family and sometimes they can find it hard to make new friends. The service recruits, trains and supports volunteers who really understand the issues faced by carers, former carers and people living on their own.